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Wrap is a layout component that adds a defined space between its children. It wraps its children automatically if there isn't enough space to fit anymore in the same row.

Think of it as a smarter flex-wrap with spacing support. It works really well with things like dialog buttons, tags, and chips.

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import { Wrap } from 'react-native-flex-layout';


In the example below, you see that the last Box wrapped to the next line.

Change the spacing​

Pass the spacing prop to apply consistent spacing between each child, even if it wraps.

Change the alignment​

Pass the align prop to change the alignment of the child along the cross axis.

Pass the justify prop to change the alignment of the child along the main axis.


spacingSpacingThe spacing between children (even if it wraps).
shouldWrapChildrenbooleanIf true, the children will be wrapped in a Box and the Box will take the spacing properties.

...FlexProps , ...SelectorProps